Saturday, August 24, 2013

MVW 105, Day 2

A cocktail dress....

The styling challenge for day two of the MVW modeling course final exam is a cocktail dress and a short runway pose set.


In detail:


ISON Flight Bodycon dress in red

Skye-Qi  Reticella Lace Layer, circa 15th017th century, SS, retinted

N-core LULU Group Gift 2013 Heels

Chop Zuey Misery and Oreos set: collar, earrings and bracelet

NYU Minimal Bold Ring, in black
Exclusive at l'accessories

Jamman V5 Ultra Mesh Fingernails

Mock Bella Vetro Gloss in Guardsman red lipstick


Dura Boys&Girls Hair #36 in black

Maitreya Mesh eyelashes

Tuli--Eyelash be gone! alpha

Skin: League Isla Medium natural

Shape: Anne-Made Things

Eyes: IKON 'Surprise' Eyes in White

▬▶ AOs and COMMS

DVC System HUD


Walk Replacer



**Manifeste** - Model_206
**Manifeste** - Model_222
**Manifeste** - Model_197
**Manifeste** - Model_222 &**Manifeste** - Model_228 in sequence
**Manifeste** - Model_225



NYU Minimal Bold Ring 192
N-core LULU heels  128
Misery & Oreos Collar  112kb
Misery & Oreos Bracelet 112
Misery & Oreos Earring 96
Misery & Oreos Earring 64
Dura Hair 64
N-core LULU heels L 64
Wedding Ring 64
Jamman Nails 64
Jamman Nails 64
DV C System HUD 48
Walk replacer 16
Huddles Quick Pose 16

Total 976kb

Scripts won't matter much on Day 2 but for the main event on Day 3, keeping them low is vital to minimizing lag and worse, crashing and coming back ruthed.